Volunteering for a good Course


The world calls for, and expects from us, simplicity of life, the spirit of prayer, charity towards all, especially towards the lowly and the poor.

Putting Smiles and Realizing Dreams is Our Mission

Denise Foundation was born out of the living faith and optimism of Mr. and Mrs. Pobee, the biological parents of Denise, who was born autistic. To begin with, this child was saddled with problems. But slowly, bit by bit, with the help and guidance of her mother, she started to cross the innumerable hurdles that hindered her progress. At times. her progress was nothing short of miraculous. This inspired her mother to extend the same kind of help and guidance to other handicapped children. And thus, the Denise Foundation -the charitable society- was born.

Active Campaign

Our Support

Intervention for Children with Special Needs

Education for Children

Providing Social Amenities

Food for the hungry


Their Thoughts About Our Work